Smoothened Pathway N rTKI first treatment in prospective studies

AndN rTKI first treatment in prospective studies, and 17 patients were Smoothened Pathway treated at least once in a prospective study. Sunitinib was t Possible administered either 50 mg or 37.5 mg orally for 4 weeks followed by two weeks of washout. Sorafenib was continuously t with a full dose of 400 mg twice Possible administered orally. Concerning the dose of everolimus Gt 10 mg t Resembled intravenously and 25 mg of temsirolimus S once a week. All funds were to be until disease progression, death or unacceptable toxicity Administered t. An objective response was determined every other sunitinib or every two to three months for all other agents, according to the usual criteria for response evaluation in solid tumors.
PFS and OS were calculated from the start of therapy rTKI the first use of the Kaplan-Meier method. In addition, the potential relationships between patients, the best response characteristics SL and the number of sites were evaluated infected organs, new metastatic site at the time of PD, PD place Maraviroc and time to progression on prior treatment fa exploratory one. Statistical Zusammenh length Between the main characteristics and response to treatment were analyzed using Chi-square test / Fisher is right. A P value of 0.05 was statistically significant. PFS and OS were analyzed by the Kaplan-Meier method with the log-rank test. Results F nfunddrei moderately resistant RCC patients rTKI Prim rtherapie With an average age of 62 years were identified. All patients underwent radical nephrectomy before systemic therapy.
Fourteen patients re U immunotherapy prior to treatment with the targeted agent for a median of 3.6 months. The best response to immunotherapy is stable disease in six patients. RTKI anf Ngliche therapy with sunitinib and sorafenib. The median overall survival was 2.4 months rTKI first treatment, 2.5 months specifically for sunitinib and sorafenib 1.7 months. The median PFS of 25 patients, sequential treatment with targeted agents learned was 3.2 months. The remaining 10 patients were U additionally no USEFUL targeted therapy. Eight of them died of disease after a median overall survival of 3.0 months and 2 patients remained on best supportive care. Table 2 shows the evaluation of the objective response along the targeted therapy.
MSKCC prognostic group, the location or the number of metastases, and the nature of the targeted agent is not associated with the treatment success in sequential Fischer exact test. 22 patients with PD in the first rTKI treatment was due to the appearance of a new metastatic L Intended mission. Of those, 16 patients were re U sequential processing. 12 patients were refractory R followed Therapy, w While four patients had stable disease. 13 PD patients had a continuous growth of metastatic L versions Initials. Of these 9 patients again U sequential treatment and 6 patients with stable disease. Fight against disease, which was reached by a line sequential processing in 15 patients. Only 14 and 7 patients re U a third and a fourth targeted therapy with a median progression-free survival gesch protected 1.9 and 2.6 months. Overall, only one patient a partial answer to the sequential treatment with temsirolimus. The median overall survival from the first rTKI therapy was 14.9 months. New patients with metastases.

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