Of Nch GIST, 53% had hypothyroidism After a median of 5 months of treatment with sunitinib. This study was the lack of data, Pracinostat which limits the function of the thyroid gland Dian in the majority of patients, so that it is difficult, the true incidence of underlying Funktionsst Ments thyroid determined Tue. Martorella et al. reported an incidence of 20% of hypothyroidism die in a group of 39 patients with renal cell carcinoma treated with sunitinib, however, a complication is that all patients had prior treatment with interleukin-2. Shaheen et al. TFT evaluated in 55 patients with RCC developed, 73% of them Hypothyroidism Die. Sabatier et al.
conducted a prospective observational study analysis of hypothyroidism w die during treatment with sunitinib for metastatic renal cancer, and found that 68% of the 54 patients developed hypothyroidism . die In a study of Mannavola et al, The 46% of patients with GIST treated with sunitinib developed hypothyroidism Treatment with levothyroxine w While 25% had temporary Erh Increase in TSH. Ultrasound of the thyroid With iodine-123 absorption and thyroid Dian were carried out at the end of several periods of treatment with sunitinib. They found that fa 123i recording Significant at the end of the treatment time, with partially or completely’s Full normalization was reduced when TKI therapy. The authors suggest that the mechanism changes Funktionsst Basis of the thyroid Dian of sunitinib was adversely Induced chtigt iodine intake.
Two cases F Of patients with renal cell carcinoma a thyroid nodular dian were observed to marked shrinkage of the thyroid w During treatment with sunitinib have. Reducing the volume of the thyroid gland was measured by computed tomography, showing the course of the almost complete Ndigen disappearance of the gland in two patients. The authors suggest that Thyroid function Dian TKI can be induced by d the capillary regression induced by the inhibition of VEGF. A recently published Ffentlichter report describes a patient with RCC stop, developed hypothyroidism For sunitinib was found to develop a thyroid With atrophic with a marked reduction in vascularization. However, challenging these findings is a study by Mannavola et al. Who performed thyroid ultrasound dian of 11 patients both before and w while not recognize the changes and treatment with sunitinib in thyroid volume.
The mechanism by which the thyroid TKI malfunction Tue remains uncertain. A series of performed in vitro and in animals, were to attempt to characterize the mechanism of hypothyroidism TKIinduced die. Wong et al. performed in vitro assays to determine the effect of sunitinib on peroxidase activity measure t, and found that sunitinib antiperoxidase activity of t st 25 30% stronger than propothiouracil had. They suggest that sunitinib acts directly on the thyroid gland via the inhibition of peroxidase activity t and thyroid hormone synthesis Dian. Salem et al. Assessment of the pathological mechanism of sunitinib-induced hypothyroidism die in the thyroid cell cultures dian rats and found that the incubation for 24 hours with sunitinib led to a dose–dependent increase in the absorption of iodide 125I, which suggests that the inhibition of iodine intake is unlikely that the mechanism of sunitinib hypothyroidism Nozzle induced.
The definition of hypothyroidism Which was rated a bit variable in the studies, and some studies lacked comprehensive data on all patients TFT. Postulated mechanisms are shown in Table 3. Interestingly, Ver changes In the thyroid Fu .