Results The PD0332991 concentration Adjusted TRISS misclassification rate: (b+c – Pd)/N), respectively (FP+FN – Pd)/N, respectively (Us + Ud – Pd)/N. If b = FP = 0 (no unexpected survivors) than: (c-Pd)/N) = (FN-Pd)/N, respectively:nonPd/N. Adjusted w-statistic: (b – Pd)/N, or (FP-Pd)/N, respectively [(Os-Es) +nonPd]/N. If nonPd > 0 then also the final result of adjusted w-statistic appears improved (less negative, zero or positive) than w- statistic. This adjustment creates a more correct value which is closer to the
true quality level of trauma care in those institutions where the evaluation with this method is taking place. When b = FP = O (no find more unexpected survivors) than the adjusted
w-statistic represents the negative this website value of preventable deaths: (-Pd/N) (Table 1). Examples: 1. In ideal case the misclassification rate and the w-statistic should have zero value (O): a = 30, b = 0, c = 0, d = 70, Misclassification rate(b+c)/N = (0+0)/100 = 0%; w-statistic = (b-c)/N = = (0-0)/100 = 0%. Trauma care is excellent compared to standard, and method perfectly predicts who will survive and who will die. 2. Commonly in developing countries we may find such situation: a = 30, b = 0, c = 15, d = 55 Misclassification rate = (b+ c)/N = (0+15)/100 Vitamin B12 = 15% (misclassification rate is so high: is method weak?) and w-stat = (b-c)/N = (0–15)/100 = -15% (deeply negative: is inappropriate trauma care ?) a) If all unexpected deaths are preventable deaths (FN = c = c1 = Pd) than: Adjusted misclassification rate = (b+c-Pd)/N = (0 +15-15)/100 = 0%! Adjusted w-stat = b – Pd = (0 –15)/100 = – 15%
remains the same. The method is perfectly predicting outcome, but the trauma care is insufficient. The mirror is not to blame for the face reflection! b) If all unexpected deaths are no preventable trauma deaths (FN = c = c2= nonPd; Pd = 0) than: Adjusted misclassification rate: (b+c-Pd)/N = 0+15-0)/100 = 15% and Adjusted w- stat = b- Pd = (0 – 0)/100= 0%! So, the trauma care is as good as the standard but the method is wrong: its mirror’s fault for the face reflection! 3. Analyzing trauma outcome in 2002 in our hospital we found that from 163 major traumas actually 90 have survived, 73 have died, while by TRISS method 124 have been expected to survive, and 39 to die. All expected to die already have died (Table 2). So: a = 39, b = 0, c = 34, d = 90.