Conclusion: Major depression was not associated with cardiomegaly in hemodialysis patients. KOHAGURA KENTARO1, MIYAGI TSUYOSHI1, KOCHI MASAKO1, ISEKI KUNITOSHI2, OHYA YUSUKE1 1Cardiovascular
Medicine, Nephrology and Neurology, University of the Ryukyus; 2Dialysis Unit, University of the Ryukyus Introduction: We have recently reported that hyperuricemia (HU) was associated with renal arteriolopathy in chronic kidney disease (CKD) patients. Hypertension (HT) is also potential risk factor for renal arteriolopathy. However, the effect of combination HT and HU on renal arteriopathy is unknown. Methods: We examined the cross-sectional association between HU and renal arteriolopathy with or without HT using renal biopsy specimen. Arteriolar hyalinosis and wall
thickening were assessed selleck screening library by semi quantitative grading for arterioles among 167 patients with CKD (mean age, 43.4 yrs; 86 men and 81 women). Results: Subgroup analysis showed that HU+/HT+ group had highest grade of arteriolopathy followed by HU−/HT+ HU+/HT−, HU−/HT−. Multiple logistic analysis adjusted for buy Cabozantinib age, sex, diabetes mellitus, dyslipidemia, smoking, estimated glomerular filtration rate, renin-angiotensin system inhibitor showed that HU−/ HT+ and HU+/HT+ was significantly associated with higher risk for the presence of higher-grade renal arteriolar hyalinosis and wall thickening defined by above the mean value compared with HU−/HT− as a reference. The adjusted odds ratios (95% CI, p value) of HU+/HT−, HU−/ HT+ and HU+/HT+ Olopatadine were 5.6 (1.4–22.8, 0.02), 4.6 (1.1–20.2, 0.04) and 9.2; (2.3–36.4, 0.002) for hyalinosis and 9.9 (1.0–97, 0.049), 14.2 (1.2–132, 0.02) and 13.5 (1.5–123, 0.02) for wall thickening, respectively. Conclusion: HU had a significant impact on renal arteriolar hyalinosis, especially if it accompanied with HT in CKD patients. Further prospective study is needed to determine whether CKD patients in HT who have
HU show rapid decline in eGFR. HUANG YA-CHUN1, CHEN WAN-TING1, LIN HUGO YOU-HSIEN2,3, KUO I-CHING2,3, NIU SHENG-WEN2,3, HWANG SHANG-JYH3, CHEN HUNG-CHUN3, HUNG CHI-CHIH3 1College of Medicine, Kaohsiung Medical University; 2Department of Internal Medicine, Kaohsiung Municipal Ta-Tung Hospital, Kaohsiung Medical University; 3Division of Nephrology, Department of Internal Medicine, Kaohsiung Medical University Hospital Introduction: Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is a risk factor for the development of urinary tract infections (UTI). UTI in CKD patients is associated with increased risks for acute kidney injury, hospitalization and probably mortality. Frequent UTIs might result in chronic inflammation in the kidney and fluctuation of renal function. However, whether UTI is associated with worse renal outcomes in advanced CKD patients is little known. Methods: We investigated 3303 stages 3–5 CKD patients in southern Taiwan. Symptomatic UTI (pyuria treated by antibiotics) or asymptomatic UTI (pyuria with >50 WBC per high power field) was the definition of UTI.