The ablation was performed by focusing two interfering femtosecond laser beams under different polarization
combinations. In their investigation, they found that p:-p-polarization has the lowest ablation threshold and generates the deepest grating depth among other polarization combinations (s-:s-polarization; c-:c-polarization). Camacho-Lopez et al. investigated the growth of grating-like structures on titanium films by circular (c-) and linear (p-) polarizations [25]. They discovered that there was no formation Selleck CH5183284 of grating-like structures when the substrate was irradiated with circularly polarized light. However, when linearly polarized laser pulses were utilized, the grating-like structures were generated at the fluence well below the ablation threshold for the titanium film. Furthermore, Venkatakrishnan et al. also found in their study of polarization effects on ultrashort-pulsed laser ablation of thin metal films that linear (p-) polarization has an ablation threshold less than that for circular polarization [26]. In our investigation, we found results that support the findings in the aforementioned investigation performed by other researchers. We found that when the glass was irradiated by p-polarized laser pulses, a
much larger number of nanotips were found to be growing for the same parameters in comparison to circularly polarized pulses, as depicted in Figure 10.
It was found by other researchers that the p-polarized laser pulses ablate the target material BMS-907351 at fluences much smaller than the ablation threshold fluence for circular polarization. If this is true, then the p-polarized pulses remove material much more efficiently with much fewer pulses in comparison to circularly polarized laser pulses. In other words, the growth stages GF120918 explained in Figure 8 must be occurring in the fast-forwarding mode during Fenbendazole linearly polarized laser ablation. Figure 10 Comparison of nanotip growth under different polarizations of laser pulses. SEM images of the glass target irradiated with circularly polarized pulses (a, b, c) and linearly (p-) polarized laser pulses (d, e, f); (a, d) 4 MHz, 0.25 ms; (b, e) 4 MHz, 0.5 ms; (c, f) 8 MHz, 0.25 ms; the pulse width used for all experiments was 214 fs. Looking at the SEM images in Figure 10, these changes can be better understood. Figure 10a shows the SEM image of the target irradiated with circularly polarized laser pulses with 4-MHz repetition rate at the dwell time of 0.25 ms. It can be seen that there is no evident of tip growth most likely due to the inadequate ablated material into the plasma. When the target was irradiated with linearly (p-) polarized pulses with the same laser parameters, as depicted in Figure 10d, a high number of nanotips were found to be growing on the target surface.