This signature of a near-bottom temperature and salinity maximum

This signature of a near-bottom temperature and salinity maximum was observed in Fram Strait by Quadfasel et al. (1988). The cascade in Fig. 4(a) also drives warm water from the Atlantic Layer to the surface. The upwelling effect of a cascade is not caused by continuity alone (ambient water

moving upwards to replace descending colder water) as it would not be induced if the same amount of dense water were injected in the deepest layer. Upwelling is also a result of velocity veering in the bottom and interfacial Ekman layers as shown by Shapiro and Hill (1997) in a 112-layer model and by Kämpf (2005) in laboratory experiments. The ambient waters in Fig. 4(a) are also modified as a result of the dense water flow. The surface layer of ESW has been displaced from the inflow area and the Atlantic Layer shows signs of cooling near the slope. The 0.8°C isotherms which may serve as both shallow and deep click here boundaries of the Atlantic Layer have been displaced upwards indicating an upwelling of warm water towards the surface. This is in contrast to the control run

without any dense water injection where all isotherms remain horizontal. The vertical profiles at a location in just over 1100 m depth (Fig. 4(b)) show the plume as a density maximum above the bottom. A similar gradient is evident in the temperature and salinity profiles. The PTRC concentration is used to determine the plume height hFhF in the following selleck chemicals section.

Our numerical experiments reveal three regimes of Urocanase cascading: (i) “arrested” – the plume remains within or just below the Atlantic Layer (Fig. 5(a)), (ii) “piercing” – the plume pierces the Atlantic Layer and continues to the bottom of the slope (Fig. 5(b)) and an intermediate regime (iii) “shaving” – where a portion of the plume detaches off the bottom, intrudes into the Atlantic Layer while the remainder continues its downslope propagation (Fig. 5(c)). The latter regime was so named by Aagaard et al. (1985) who inferred it from observations. The arrested regime was observed in 1994 (Schauer and Fahrbach, 1999), while the piercing regime was observed in 1986 (Quadfasel et al., 1988), in 1988 (see Akimova et al., 2011) and in 2002 (Schauer et al., 2003). For the ‘arrested’ and ‘piercing’ regimes we examine the thickness of the plume hFhF which is derived from vertical profiles of PTRC as the height above the bottom where the concentration drops below 50% of the value reached at the seabed. Values are averaged in space along the plume edge and up to 10 km behind the plume front and in time over the 20 days before the flow reaches 1400 m depth. The plume thickness in our model varies between 30 and 228 m, which is generally greater than observations in Fram Strait of a 10–100 m thick layer of Storfjorden water at depth (Quadfasel et al., 1988). The disparity appears smaller for our model than in modelling studies by Jungclaus et al.

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