The role of nucleolin redistribution in reaction to stress indicators is more enigmatic. It could regulate apoptosis by modulating the import and/or export of nucleolar components. Moreover, nucleolin can hence affect cell adhesion and proliferation and reach the cell membrane. Importantly, nucleolin curbs p53 translation and pan Chk inhibitor induction after DNA damage, and balances Bcl 2 and Bcl xL mRNAs. Re-distribution of nucleolin may possibly, therefore, encourage a prosurvival effect. The conclusion that the pressure induced redistribution of NPM, H1 and nucleolin is controlled by Bax and Bak is based on the results demonstrating that MEFs deficient in those two proteins did not demonstrate the redistribution effect, the BH3 mimetic ABT 737, which will be known to act through Bax/Bak, also induced the redistribution effect in a Bax/Bak dependent manner, and re expression of Bax or Bak in Bax/Bak DKO cells restored the redistribution effect. It’s, however, very important to observe that nuclear protein redistribution can also occur independently Ribonucleic acid (RNA) of Bax/Bak, as untreated DKO MEFs demonstrated a low, but detectable amount of spontaneous redistribution, and strains induced by transfection or by staurosporine treatment induced a moderate redistribution effect. The question arises concerning how would Bax/Bak regulate nuclear/cytoplasmic redistribution/transport from their site of action. We believe that they may trigger a yet unidentified caspase and apoptosomeindependent signaling pathway, which either advances the permeability of the nuclear pore, thus allowing diffusion of specific nuclear proteins or impairs active nuclear transport by affecting the distribution of cellular transport elements. The latter assumption is supported by a previous study showing that proapoptotic insults induced the redistribution of nuclear transport facets such as the small GTPase, Ran, which determines the way of transport across the nuclear envelope. 33 Two studies of our study were unexpected. First, nuclear redistribution was mediated by Bax/Bak, but occurred before cells showed Bax/Bak NT coverage. The two functions might even inhibit one another, since the likelihood that nuclear Flupirtine protein redistribution was observed together with Bax/Bak NT coverage in the same cell was lower than would be expected Figure 9 Re expression of Bax or Bak MEFs restores nuclear protein redistribution in Bax/Bak DKO MEFs. Bax/Bak DKO MEFs were transiently transfected with GFP, GFP Bax, HA Bax or HA Bak expression vector in the presence or absence of Boc or Q VD OPH. After 24 h, the cells were stained and visualized as described in Figure 1. The images shown are Boc addressed GFP Bax transfectants. Each line represents exactly the same subject visualized separately for detecting GFP Bax expressing nuclear protein expression, cells and nuclei. The results shown are from a representative experiment.