ly methylated in esophageal cancer and its methylation was related to loss of miR 34a expression. These results suggest that aberrant promoter methylation plays an important role in the down regulation of miR 34a gene expression in Kazakh patients with esopha geal cancer. DNA methylation acts as an important switch that controls gene expression in cancer where methylation exhibits tumor specific patterns. To date, various ESCC susceptible genes with aberrant DNA methylation or gene expression have been identified, such as RASSF1A genes. miRNAs considerablely affects the initiation and progression of human cancers and therefore represent promising targets for anticancer therapies. Patterns of aberrant miRNA expression are involved in ESCC, and miRNA acts as oncogenes or tumor suppressors.
In the present study, we successfully replicated selleck chemicals WIKI4 the results of the study by Chen et al. in the Chinese Han population by the traditional method, methylation specific PCR, not the quantitative method, although the par ticipants in both studies had different genetic and envir onmental backgrounds. The research conducted by Chen et al. have found that the methylation ratio of miR 34a is 66. 7% in ESCC patients from Chinese Han population, which are significantly higher than that in the corresponding non tumor tissues. However, previous studies have identified ethnic variations in DNA methy lation levels related to lifestyle and dietary differences. Consequence, with non quantitative MSP method in Chinese Han population and the quantitative MassARRAY approach in Kazakh population, the uniformity of the methylation of the miR 34a promoter in both studies strengthens the association between such methylation and ESCC.
Although miR 34a is epigenetically silenced in numerous cancers, including colorectal, pancreatic, mammary, ovarian, urothelial, renal cell carcinomas, and soft tissue sarcomas, the finding presented here is the first to demonstrate the suppression of miR 34a via promoter methylation in Kazakh patients with esophageal cancer. Epidemiological and etiological studies have selleck chemicals shown that the carcinogenesis and development of ESCC involves multiple factors and changes in gene expression. Recent data suggest that dysregulation of miR 34a exists in various types of human cancers and is associated with clinic treatment.
Here, we found that miR 34a, direct transcriptional targets of the p53, showed a nearly two fold elevated expression in nor mal esophageal tissues compared with that in tissues of Kazakh patients with esophageal cancer, in accordance with the results in a study by Hu. Moreover, miR 34a mRNA expression is inversely correlated with the methyaltion of the miR 34a promoter, as reported by Chen et al, confirming the likely role of methylation in the regulation of miR 34a expression.