Lactate production measured before and after the maximal incremental treadmill test was analyzed using a two-way repeated measures ANOVA, with groups as between-subject variable and exercise time as within-subject variable. When the effect was significant, post hoc analysis was performed and
adjustment done through the Bonferroni confidence interval. The level of significance was P≤0.05 for the t-test and P≤0.008 in post hoc Bonferroni’s comparisons (P=0.008 needed for significance with an experiment-wise alpha of 0.05 using Bonferroni adjustment in alpha for six comparisons). All analyses were performed using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS, version 19.0 for Windows; SPSS, Inc., Chicago, IL, USA). Results
Training learn more progress The training protocol and the effect of time on the meters run is presented in Figure 1. The QT and PT groups were subjected to a six-week duration training with an increase of five minutes every two days up to a maximum of 80 minutes, which represented an average increase of the load between intervals of 11.9 and 10.6% in QT and PT respectively. The final training volume increased by 399% to 349% in QT and PT compared with baseline. There were no differences in the distance run by the two groups at any time of training (P> 0.05). The average/day VX-680 supplier of meters walked were 986 and
1002 in the QT and PT groups respectively. Although the relationship between training time and distance covered showed an almost linear fit in both groups (R2 = 0.992 and 0.986) for QT and PT respectively, there was a sligh improvement in the performance of the QT group. Figure 1 Training protocol of six weeks for rats. No significant buy PRI-724 difference (P>0.05) in distance run between QT and PT at any stage of training. ‘ = Minutes, Aver = Average, T= Application of tests. The percentage of increase in distance run was computed as ((interval – previous PJ34 HCl interval) / previous interval) x 100. Endurance capacity There were no significant difference in exercise performance between the quercetin and placebo trials. Although the QT group ran for 5.91% longer (Figure 2) and 14% further (Figure 3B) than the PT group, there were no significant differences in either time [P=0.351, Power=0.147] or distance [P=0.051, Power=0.512)]. Figure 2 Time run until exhaustion in the low-intensity endurance regime. T- test for independent samples reported no significant differences between QT and PT or QS and PS (P>0.05). Figure 3 Distance run until exhaustion in A) high-intensity incremental test and B) low-intensity endurance test. T-test for independent samples reported no significant differences between QT and PT or QS and PS (P>0.05).