This is for instance the case of the six subunits composing the catalytic arm and the structural complex, for which we detected homologues in all opisthokonts but choanoflagellates, which ancestrally missed Apc11 and Apc5, suggesting ancient losses in this lineage. Simi larly, whereas the four main subunits of the TPR arm were inferred to be pre sent in the ancestor of opisthokonts, Apc7 was missing in ascomycete and basidiomycete representatives sug gesting a secondary loss in the ancestor of these two fungal groups after their separation from chytrids. Regarding the other proteins associated to the TPR arm, beside the case of Apc9, Apc15 and Apc16 already men tioned, homologues of Apc12 and Apc13 were poorly represented in opisthokonts. More precisely they were missing in choanoflagellates, Capsaspora, most fungi and some animals.
However, the presence of Apc12 and Apc13 orthologues also in some bikont lineages indi cated that these subunits were present in LECA and thus in the ancestor of opisthokonts. Accordingly, their poor taxonomic distribution in this eukaryotic lineage results from convergent secondary losses. Finally, orthologues of the two adaptors Cdc20 and Cdh1 were present in all opisthokonts. Among them, the case of Microsporidia deserved attention. Indeed, whereas only one APC C subunit had previously been reported in Encepha litozoon cuniculi, we additionally found orthologues of one component of the structural complex, three of the TPR arm and of two adaptors co activators in gen omes of four representatives of this group of highly derived parasitic anaerobic fungi.
The conservation of at least one component of each functional part of the APC C suggested that a minimalist version of the APC C might exist in Microsporidia. More drastic losses were observed in the anaerobic parasite Entamoeba his tolytica where the absence of all but four components contrasted with the conservation of all 14 subunits and adaptors co activators inferred to be present in LECA in the second amoebozoan studied. Such massive losses were also observed for the parasitic excavate Giardia intestinalis. However, in contrast with Micro sporidia, the more reduced set of components and, more precisely, the absence of all proteins composing the TPR arm appeared less compatible with a fully operational APC C system in these two anaerobic parasites.
In bikonts, orthologues of the 12 components inferred to be present in LECA were also inferred to be present in the ancestors of Plantae and Heterokonta. However, in red algae, the haptophyte Emiliania huxleyi, ciliates and most excavates, a slightly more restricted set of proteins was observed. Notably, none of them harboured the Apc5 subunit of the structural complex, along with two components of the TPR arm, GSK-3 whereas we detected Apc4 only in the ciliate Tetrahymena thermophila and the haptophyte E.