Hypocrea rufa is often found on wood of coniferous trees, while H. minutispora is rarely encountered on such hosts. Hypocrea minutispora does not have particularly small ascospores; the species epithet is taken from the anamorph T. minutisporum (see Lu et al. 2004), originally described by Bissett (1991b). The conidiation in Trichoderma minutisporum shows a gradual transition from effuse to pustulate, with pustules typically distinctly
less developed on CMD than on SNA. Generally, phialides tend to be more lageniform on simple conidiophores, wider and more ampulliform with increasing complexity and density of conidiation structures. Branching of conidiophores 4-Hydroxytamoxifen research buy GSK2118436 is asymmetric in simple conidiophores and symmetric in tufts or
pustules. Hypocrea pachybasioides Yoshim. Doi, Bull. Natn. Sci. Mus. Tokyo 12: 685 (1972). Fig. 43 Fig. 43 Teleomorph of Hypocrea pachybasioides . a–f. Fresh stromata (a–d. immature). g–j. Dry stromata (g. downy stroma initial). k. Ostiole apex in section. l. Stroma surface in face view. m. Rehydrated stroma (black dots are Cheirospora conidia). n. Stroma in 3% KOH after rehydration. o. Perithecium in section. p. Cortical and subcortical tissue in section. q. Subperithecial tissue in section. r. Stroma base in section. s–v. Asci with Bucladesine ascospores (u, v. in cotton blue/lactic acid). a. WU 29324. b, e. WU 29322. c, k–r. WU 29325. d. WU 29311. f. WU 29321. g. WU 29312. h. WU 29319. i. WU 29314. j. WU 29315. s. WU 29318. t–v. WU 29323. Scale bars a = 1 mm. b, c, f, g, m = 0.4 mm. d, h–j, n = 0.3 mm. e = 0.7 mm. k, l, r–v = 10 μm. o = 25 μm. p, q = 15 μm Anamorph: Trichoderma polysporum (Link : Fr.) Rifai, Mycol. Pap. 116: 18 (1969). Fig. 44
Evodiamine Fig. 44 Cultures and anamorph of Hypocrea pachybasioides (= Trichoderma polysporum). a. Yellow conidiation pustules on CMD (28 days). b–d. Cultures after 14 days (b. on CMD; c. on PDA; d. on SNA). e. Periphery of a conidiation tuft on the natural substrate. f, g. Conidiation pustules on SNA (g. showing elongations on pustule margin; 13 days). h, i. Elongations (SNA, h. verrucose, 8 days at 25°C plus 25 days at 15°C; i. 9 days). j. Conidiophore on growth plate (SNA, 7 days). k–n. Conidiophores (SNA, 9 days; n. lacking elongation). o, p. Chlamydospores (SNA, 30°C, 11 days). q, r. Phialides (SNA, 9 days). s, t. Conidia (SNA, 8 days at 25°C plus 25 days at 15°C). a–r. All at 25°C except h, o, p. a–d, h, j, o, p, s, t. CBS 121277. e. WU 29321. i, k–n, q, r. C.P.K. 2461. f, g. C.P.K. 989. Scale bars a = 10 mm. b–d = 15 mm. e, g = 100 μm. f = 0.3 mm. h, k = 30 μm. i, j = 40 μm. l, n, p, r = 10 μm. m, o = 15 μm. q, s = 5 μm. t = 3 μm = [Sporotrichum polysporum Link, Mag. Ges. Naturf. Freunde Berl.