Anat Rec, 294: 1352-1359, 2011. (C) 2011 Wiley-Liss, Inc.”
“Vaccine design approaches that target dendritic cells (DC) aim at achieving high levels of transgene expression. Careful selection
of the promoter element driving the foreign gene is therefore important. We have constructed adenovirus vectors carrying the gene for enhanced green fluorescent protein (eGFP) driven by three different promoters, CMV, CMV5 and ubiquitin C (UbC) promoter, and analysed their activity in different Veliparib purchase populations of human DC, namely blood plasmacytoid (pDC) and myeloid DC (mDC), monocyte-derived DC (moDC), Langerhans (LC) and dermal type DC (dDC). Although the CMV5 promoter was more active than the other two promoters in the HeLa SB273005 and 911 HER cell lines, in human DC the highest level of transgene expression was seen with the CMV promoter. There was very low-level eGFP expression in all cell types transduced with the UbC promoter. Highest eGFP expression levels were observed in moDC, cultured
mDC and LC and the lowest levels in pDC. Expression of eGFP was augmented in all DC populations upon stimulation with CD40 ligand (CD40L). These findings demonstrate that the CMV promoter is the most effective of the three promoters tested in a range of different human DC populations. (C) 2007 Published by Elsevier B.V.”
“Background: Humeral shaft fractures account for 1 to 3% of all fractures in adults and for 20% of all humeral fractures. Non-operative treatment is still the standard treatment of isolated humeral shaft fractures, although this method can present unsatisfactory results. Surgical treatment is reserved for specific conditions. Modern concepts of internal fixation of long bone shaft fractures advocate relative stabilisation techniques with no harm to fracture zone. Recently described, minimally invasive bridge plate osteosynthesis has been shown to be a secure technique with good results for treating humeral shaft fractures. There is no good quality evidence advocating which method is more effective. This randomised controlled trial will be performed
to investigate the effectiveness of surgical treatment of humeral IPI-549 cost shaft fractures with bridge plating in comparison with conservative treatment with functional brace.\n\nMethods/Design: This randomised clinical trial aims to include 110 patients with humeral shaft fractures who will be allocated after randomisation to one of the two groups: bridge plate or functional brace. Surgical treatment will be performed according to technique described by Livani and Belangero using a narrow DCP plate. Non-operative management will consist of a functional brace for 6 weeks or until fracture consolidation. All patients will be included in the same rehabilitation program and will be followed up for 1 year after intervention. The primary outcome will be the DASH score after 6 months of intervention.