The advantage of this model lies that it can automatically learn the optimized proper weights for each matrix for fusion rather than arbi trary setting the values. This is achieved by an two step alternative minimization method introduced by T. Lange and J. M. Buhmann. A brief process of the two alternating steps is summarized as follow we can obtain estimated and using an EM process which minimize the cross entropy between P and by updating V and H iteratively. 2. Optimizations of weights for similarity matrices by minimizing the cross entropy Given the estimated factorized matrices, we minimize the cross entropy between and VHt regarding to subject to iai ? 1 and ai 0, where CePjjQT denotes the cross entropy of P and Q, and Hence the second step becomes a linear program problem.
Since the solution of the linear program would tend to be too sparse that only one of the data source would be chosen to minimize the object function, which is against our intention to combine multiple data source, it is ne cessary to modify the object function by introducing the entropy of weight so that both sparseness and inform ativeness could be taken into account. Since the infor mation quantity provided by the weights vector could be measured by its entropy, the modified object func tion is MinVH s. t. ? 1 and i 0 Where HeT denotes the entropy of Then the second step becomes a NLP problem and can be solved with LINDO API 6. 1. Parameter optimization The parameter controls the trade off between sparseness and informativeness.
0 indicates that entropy will take few significance in the object function, while indicates that information are taken as the most important factor in the object function, and the weights of different source are evenly distributed. Tun ing is a non trivial work. In the previous work the sampling based assessment of is not suitable for clus tering of small size objects. In our study a leave one out stability assess ment was used to assign a proper value of ��. The ideal is expected to render better stability when a clustering is performed. For NCI 60 dataset, we performed 37 times leave one out sampling for clustering of the whole data, and each time 36 compounds were selected. A series of ranging from 0. 001 to 1000 were used in the fusion model. Two parameters were used as the evaluation of the performance regarding to different value, as listed in the following.
It should be noted that other measure ments can also be adopted to tune the value in cluster ing, which will be generally consistent to these two measurements and will not be discussed here AMD is defined as the average value of the mean dis agreement among the 37 subgroups. Given the cluster ing results Y f1. 2.kgn Dacomitinib by cutting the clustering tree into k class with by cutting the clustering tree into k class with k ?2. 15?, the AMD is defined as whole dataset.