Activation by stress on sympathetic nervous system results in t

Activation by stress on sympathetic nervous system results in the release of catecholamines from the adrenal medulla and sympathetic nerve terminals. Catecholamines consist of several kinds of substances such as dopamine, histamine, sero tonin, epinephrine and norepinephrine. The last one is regarded as the most potential SRH related to tumors in mammals. As ligands, catecholamines can bind adrenergic receptors coupled with G protein which can be classified as several subtypes such as 1, 2, B1, B2 and B3 ARs. Many types of ARs locate on tumor cells, providing the theory that chronic stress impacts on the progression of cancer. Furthermore, the effect of stress could be mimicked with NE or B2 AR agonists, and abol ished with surgical sympathetic denervation, B AR antago nists or knocking down B2 AR gene by small interfering RNA.

It is accepted that a solid tumor can not progress without angiogenesis. VEGF, one of the most important angiogenic factors, can recruit and {pop over to this site| inhibitor|selleck chemicals|selleck chemicals|PF-04620110 1109276-89-2 induce endothelial cells to proliferate and migrate, thereby starting the crit ical step of tumor expansion. Previous studies have demonstrated that NE upregulates VEGF, IL 8, IL 6 and MMP expression levels in some kinds of tumor cells in vitro such as melanoma, breast cancer, colon cancer, prostate cancer, ovary cancer, pancreatic cancer and na sopharynx cancer. Besides, migration of cancer cells can be stimulated by NE, which can be blocked by nonselec tive B AR antagonist, propranolol. In mouse models in vivo, chronic stress stimulates the growth, pro gression and metastasis of tumors, which can also be inhibited by propranolol.

The clinical research reported that propranolol lowered the rate of breast cancer specific mortality, cancer recurrence and distant metastasis, thus improved relapse free survival and cancer specific survival. Tumor angiogenesis plays a key role in development of solid tumors. Sunitinib, one kind of anti angiogenic drugs, is a tyrosine L-Mimosine molecular weight kinase inhibitor with the ability of blocking VEGFR1, VEGFR2, VEGFR3, PDGFR, PDGFRB, c Kit and RET. It can induce tumor cell death and inhibit tumor proliferation and vascularization. However, in clinic, treatment with sunitinib alone is of poor curative effect or even inefficacious for many types of solid tumors. On the contrary, sunitinib exhibits satisfactory efficacy in mouse homografts of melanoma, Lewis lung cancer, renal cancer and colon cancer, and xenografts of human colorectal cancer in vivo.

Additionally, mo notherapy with anti angiogenic drugs including endo statin and bevacizumab also shows the discrepancy between clinical and preclinical results. Thus the question should be presented, Why does the differ ence of the curative response between the human and animal occur Different from tumor bearing mice, receiving a diag nosis of malignancy and battling with chronic uncertain ties as regards treatment, progression, recurrence, and mortality is a major chronic stressor imaginable for pa tients with cancer.

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