Interestingly, size exclusion chromatography showed that PA(FLAG)p is only in fractions MK-4827 nmr that contain Ssa1p indicating that nearly all of the detectable PA(FLAG)p was complexed with Ssa1p (Figure 6B). This PA(FLAG)p-Ssa1p complex is
quite stable since treatment with reducing agents liberated some, but not all PA(FLAG)p from the Ssa1p complex. Furthermore, in a strain with SSA1 deleted, different chaperone proteins, Ssb2p, or Hsp60 (both detected in our analysis) tightly complexed with the PA(FLAG)p (Additional file 1: Figure S7, Additional file 2: Table S2). We note that several Hsp70 proteins, including both Ssa1p and Ssb2p, assist in CB-5083 manufacturer protein folding [28] and have been observed to interact with aggregating proteins [29, 30]. Therefore, it appears that Ssa1p and Ssb2p/Hsp60 effectively bind to the PAp incompatibility factor when it is overexpressed in yeast. Figure 6 High-level expression of the PA incompatibility domain results in an interaction with Hsp70 protein concomitant with remediation of aberrant PA-associated
phenotypes. A) Proteins were extracted under reducing conditions from PA-expressing and control yeast grown in YPRaf/Gal. Immunoblotting using anti-FLAG antibody reveals that over-expressed PA(FLAG)p forms a complex (P-S) with another protein that was identified by mass spectroscopy as Ssa1p (Additional file 1: Table S1). The weak PA(FLAG)p signal (P) demonstrated that most PA(FLAG)p is sequestered into this PA(FLAG)p-Ssa1p complex. The position
of control (FLAG) protein is indicated (H). B) When overexpressed, virtually all of the PA(FLAG)p interacts with Selleckchem Repotrectinib Ssa1p. Cells were grown overnight at 30°C in YPD, washed in PBS, resuspended in YPRaf/Gal and grown with shaking until mid-log phase. Proteins were then extracted and subjected to size exclusion chromatography as described in the main text. The control (FLAG) protein was detected in fractions 3–8. In contrast, the PAp monomer Terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase was detected only in the presence of the Ssa1p-PA(FLAG)p complex (fractions 3–5). This indicates that the majority of PA(FLAG)p was bound to Ssa1p and that treatment with reducing agents prior to immunoblotting dissociated some but not all of the PA(FLAG)p from the complex. Duplicate Coomassie blue stained protein gels were used to verify equal loading across lanes. Positions of molecular weight markers are shown at left. For both panels, similar trends were observed in two independent extractions and immunoblots. Discussion We define a protein domain with incompatibility function in RNR from N. crassa and demonstrate it can elicit an incompatibility-like reaction in yeast. Previous studies have examined trans-species expression of fungal nonself recognition genes in closely related filamentous fungi [31–33]. In particular, expression of N. crassa tol results in mat-associated heterokaryon incompatibility in Neurospora tetrasperma[34], and PA alleles of N.