All words were common nouns and the word pairs were presented ver

All words were common nouns and the word pairs were presented vertically for 2 s each. All word pairs SCH 900776 manufacturer were associatively and semantically unrelated. Participants were told that the cue would always be the word on top and the target would be on bottom. After the presentation of the last word participants saw the cue word and ??? in place of the target word. Participants were instructed to type in the target word from the current list that matched cue. Cues were randomly mixed so that the corresponding target words were not recalled in the

same order as they were presented. Participants had 5 s to type in the corresponding word. A participant’s score was proportion of items recalled correctly. Delayed free recall. Participants recalled 6 lists of 10 words each. All words were common nouns that were presented for 1 s each. After list SB431542 presentation, participants engaged in a 16 s distractor task before recall: Participants saw 8 three-digit numbers

appear for 2 s each, and were required to write the digits in ascending order. After the distractor task participants typed as many words as they could remember from the current list in any order they wished. Participants had 45 s for recall. A participant’s score was the total number of items recalled correctly. Raven advanced progressive matrices. The Raven is a measure of abstract reasoning. The test consists of 36 items presented in ascending order of difficulty. Each item consists of a display of 3 × 3 matrices of geometric patterns with the bottom right pattern missing. The task for the participant is to select among eight alternatives, the one that correctly completes the overall series of patterns. Participants had 10 min to complete the 18 odd-numbered items. A participant’s score was the total number of correct solutions. Number series. In this task participants saw a series of numbers and were required to determine what the next number in the series should be. That is, the series followed some unstated rule which participants were

required to figure out in order to determine which the next number in the series should be. Participants Amino acid selected their answer out of five possible numbers that were presented. Participants had 4.5 min to complete 15 test items. A participant’s score was the total number of items solved correctly. Cattell’s culture fair test. This task is composed of four separate and timed paper-and-pencil subtests ( Cattell, 1971). Particiapants were allowed 2.5–4 min to complete each subtest. In the first subtest (Series) participants saw 13 incomplete, progressive series of abstract shapes and figures, along with 6 alternatives for each, and selected the alternative that best completed the series. In the second subtest (Classifications) participants saw 14 problems composed of abstract shapes and figures, and selected the two out of the five that differed from the other three. Figures and shapes differed in size, orientation, or content.

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