Risk factors are IPF itself, smoking, older age, male gender, immunosuppressive drug therapy and single Ltx. Symptoms are often aspecific, diagnosis is difficult, and prognosis is extremely poor. These cases stress the importance of actively searching for lung cancer before as well as after Ltx in patients with IPF. The authors
declare that they have no competing interests. No funding source. L. Hendriks and M. Drent have written the case report, the others have given significant comments on the case histories. “
“Agenesis of the lung is a developmental defect that is rare. In this condition, one or both lungs are either completely PLX3397 absent or hypoplastic. This condition represents a spectrum of congenital anomalies in lung development. The prevelance of this condition has been noted to be 0.0034–0.0097%. There appears to be no sexual predilection for this condition. Most cases present in the neonatal period with cyanosis, tachypnea, dyspnea, stridor or feeding difficulties. The condition is often associated with fetal distress at birth.1 Yet, it may also be asymptomatic and manifest itself in adulthood. A case was diagnosed at necropsy in a 72-year-old. Patients selleckchem often have some pulmonary manifestations like cyanosis or respiratory difficulty. Left-sided agenesis (70% of cases) is more frequent than right-sided. Right-sided defects
have a poorer prognosis due to often coexisting cardiac anomalies or greater mediastinal shift and pressure on other structures.2 Pulmonary agenesis is anatomically devided into three groups. First are patients who have absence of the entire lung and its pulmonary artery. Coexistence of cardiac anomalies are consistent with embryologic developmental
insult in the fourth week of life. Parental consanguinity and autosomal recessive pattern of inheritance has been noted in some cases. Although extrinsic insults such as drugs, infection during pregnancy, environmental substances and mechanical factors in Tolmetin the uterus or congenital small thoracic cage may also be causative factors.3 The patient is a 23-year-old female without a significant past medical history except recurrent childhood upper respiratory infections, born in Tehran, who presents with a two-week history of a cold. After a week of cold symptoms, she visited her primary care physician who recommended to take a chest X-ray and started her on cefexime and salbutamol syrup. Her symptoms began one month prior to her presentation to a pulmonologist with cough, small amount of white sputum and a sore throat. The patient noted coughing up less than a teaspoon of phlegm on a given day during her cold. She was told that she has influenza and it had involved family members as well. She had some slight fevers and chills but did not measure her temperature. She had recurrent URI’s as a child. Compared to people with her own age, she has less tolerance for physical activity. She had received all her vaccinations.