(4) Equations (2) and (4) constitute a microscopic model for the

(4) Equations (2) and (4) constitute a microscopic model for the kinetic behavior of

drug transport from donor to acceptor Caspase activation liposomes through the collision mechanism; it can be verified that ∑j=0md˙j=∑j=0ma˙j=∑j=0mj(a˙j+d˙j)=0, (5) implying N˙d=N˙a=M˙=0 and thus ensuring conservation of the number of donor and acceptor liposomes (Nd and Na) as well as of the total number of drug molecules (M = Md + Ma). To characterize the total numbers Md and Ma of drug molecules that reside in donor and acceptor liposomes, respectively, we carry out the summations ∑j=0mjd˙j and ∑j=0mja˙j using (2) and (4). The result are the two first-order differential equations M˙d=KN(MaNd−MdNa+kNaNd),M˙a=KN(MdNa−MaNd−kNaNd), (6) where we have introduced the definition Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical of the apparent rate constant K=Kcoll  NV. (7) Initially, all drug molecules are incorporated in the donor liposomes, implying Md(t = 0) = M and Ma(t = 0) = 0. The solution of (6) is then Ma(t)=M−Md(t)=(1−e−Kt)NaN  (M−kNd). (8) Hence, K indeed appears as the inverse characteristic time for the transfer process. Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical In Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical contrast to previous models [14], K depends only on the total concentration of liposomes N/V but not on the concentrations of donor or acceptor liposomes individually. We also mention that (6) and the solution in (8) are

valid for any number of donor and acceptor liposomes (i.e, any choice of Nd and Na). This includes but is not restricted to sink conditions (where Na Nd). Thermodynamic equilibrium corresponds to the long-time limit, t → ∞, at which we have Md = Mdeq and Ma = Maeq with MdeqM=NdN(1+kNaM), MaeqM=NaN(1−kNdM). (9) From (9), we obtain the difference between the numbers of drug molecules per donor and acceptor liposome, (Mdeq/Nd)−(Maeq/Na)

Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical = k. This agrees with our interpretation of k in (2) and (4). We note that for chemically identical donor and acceptor liposomes, it is k = 0 and all liposomes carry the same number of drug molecules in equilibrium, implying Mdeq/Nd = Maeq/Na = M/N. The largest possible value of k is k = M/Nd for which we obtain Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical Maeq = 0 and Mdeq = M. The smallest possible value of k is k = −M/Na implying Maeq = M and Mdeq = 0. Hence, −M/Na ≤ k ≤ M/Nd. The solution in (8) corresponds to a simple exponential decay of the number of drug molecules in the donor liposomes. This suggests that we can express the transfer kinetics of drug TCL molecules from donor (D) to acceptor (A) liposomes as the chemical reaction scheme D⇌K2K1A, (10) with rate constants K1 and K2. The corresponding kinetic behavior is then governed by the equations M˙d=-K1Md+K2Ma and M˙a=K1Md-K2Ma where Md = Md(t) and Ma = Ma(t) are the numbers of drug molecules carried by donor and acceptor liposomes, respectively. With Md(t = 0) = M and Ma(t = 0) = 0 we obtain Ma(t)=M−Md(t)=(1−e−(K1+K2)t)(K1K1+K2)NaNM, (11) which has indeed the same structure as (8). Comparison of (8) with (11) reveals K1 = (1 − kNd/M)KNa/N and K2 = (1 + kNa/M)KNd/N.

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