showed that humiliating events that directly devalues an individual in a core role were strongly linked to risk for depressive symptoms [33]. A systematic review has highlighted that life stress, lack of social support, and domestic violence are significantly associated with increased risk of depression during pregnancy [34]. Kazi et al. has reported that increasing age, lower educational levels, issues regarding husband abuse, extramarital affairs, not giving time to family and putting restrictions on the women and interference by in-laws, and heavy household works were significantly associated with depression during pregnancy [35]. The predictors of antepartum depression and anxiety in an urban community in Pakistan were husband’s unemployment, low household wealth, having 10 or more years of formal education, unwanted pregnancy, and partner violence [27].
Partner violence, unsupportive husband and/or mother-in-law, and family preference for son were the predictors of antepartum depression among rural Bangladeshi women [25].The association between poverty and mental disorder has been elucidated in a review of studies from six low- and middle-income countries [36]. A recent study from an urban community in Pakistan has also found a positive association between lower household wealth and antepartum anxiety/depression [27]. A multicentre prospective study of perinatal depression in Japan reported poor accommodation (rented accommodation, dissatisfaction about accommodation) to be a risk factor for antenatal depression [37].
Literate women are more likely to have good social networks and social support which has been identified as a protective factor in previous research studies [38�C40]. In contrast, a US-based study has highlighted education as a risk factor [41].Despite the high prevalence of depression and anxiety during pregnancy and their significant negative impact, this is still relatively less explored area in Pakistan. The aim of the study was to estimate the frequency and associated risk factors for depression and anxiety in pregnant women.2. Material and MethodsA cross-sectional study was conducted in pregnant women attending antenatal clinics of The Aga Khan University Hospital in Karachi, Pakistan, for their routine antenatal checkups.
Women who consented to participate in the study were interviewed using a precoded structured questionnaire comprising of sociodemographic, home environment, and family relationships variables followed by hospital anxiety depression scale (HADS) to assess the current status for anxiety and depression among participants. A total of 165 pregnant women were Entinostat interviewed from September 2005 till January 2006.2.1. Instrument Used2.1.1. Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS) HADS is a commonly used instrument in hospital setting to determine anxiety and/or depression.