Such InThe treatment group DPP4I and analyzed as such. In addition, the group Controls was non-diabetic adults, and patients with diabetes were excluded SRT1720 SRT-1720 from the group composed, but k Can adults were taken with a fasting glucose in the group and embroidered it. Concluding Compared to end the group and embroidered on the ADA activity t in patients with type 2 diabetes was hours ago. When embroidered on the GLYCOL Endemic ¬ rel tively good ADA activity T was low. However, although neither ADA activity T or comparable variables related to the inflammatory response with treatment DPP4I Changed independently Ngig embroidered on Changes glycerol ¬ micro. Thus, the results of this study that the selective DP ¬ P4Is currently used by diabetic patients, no effect on non-enzymatic action of DPP 4 has.
In addition to these studies on the ADA activity T be focused additionally USEFUL studies to evaluate the effects of selective DPP4Is on other physiological functions in relation to non-enzymatic action of DPP 4th Type 2 diabetes is Including a St Tion of embroidered with glucose due to several Stoffwechselst Requirements, Lich insulin secretion sufficiently achieved Changed reaction of the liver and peripheral tissues to insulin, a progressive loss of beta cell function, dysregulation St of glucagon secretion and incretin hormone changes physiology.1 The Pr prevalence of diabetes increased from about 2.8% worldwide in 2000 to 4.4% in 2030.2 The total number of people with diabetes is expected to millions of 171 increased in 2000 to 366,000,000 hen 2030.
2 Although in tight embroidered diabetes significantly reduces the risk of mikrovaskul Ren complications, 3 only 37% of patients currently meet the target HbA1c of % target set by the American Diabetes Association. 4 The choice of the means of improving the level of glucose in blood are set metformin, sulfonylureas, disaccharidase inhibitors, thiazolidinediones and insulin. Two new classes of agents that have recently come on the incretin system in clinical use. These are the GLP-1 receptor agonists and dipeptidyl peptidase-4. The incretins are incretin hormones by the intestine in response to food intake secreted by the mouth.
Leads to a secretion incretin Erh Of insulin on the response only to the increase Erh Intravenously increase the concentration of glucose S Both incretin hormones are of particular interest: glucagon-like peptide dependent insulinotropic polypeptide and glucose ngig, also known as gastric inhibitory polypeptide. GIP and GLP-1 are both within a few minutes of ingestion and excreted by various receptors.5, 6,7 act Both peptides on pancreatic beta cells act to stimulate insulin dependent Ngiger glucose, induction of cell proliferation and beta to the Best RESISTANCE improve to apoptosis. Both GIP and GLP-1 is rapidly degraded by the enzyme DPP 4th GIP is the first time to be incretin discovered.8 by the cells of the gut proximal K is secreted in response to the ingestion of food, the glucose and fat. GIP f Promotes glucose-dependent insulin secretion. GIP f Also promotes energy storage by adipocytes and increased Ht bone formation by stimulating osteoblast proliferation and inhibiting the action of GIP apoptosis.6 the inclusion of fat Acids in triglycerides, stimulation of lipoprotein lipase activity T, for modulation of uresynthese fat .