044 ± 0.0003). SCN were then placed in fresh media with either 100 μM gabazine or vehicle and monitored for an additional 6 days ( Figure 4A). Remarkably,
blockade of GABAA signaling prevented significant damping in VIP-deficient SCN slices (for vehicle versus gabazine, RAEtreated/RAEbaseline = 1.13 ± 0.26 versus 0.51 ± 0.10, respectively; n = 10 SCN explants per treatment; p < 0.05). CWT analysis of the same data provided an independent quantification of the increased amplitude of circadian rhythmicity during GABA blockade ( Figure 4B). We conclude that GABA Sirolimus concentration is critical for the loss of circadian rhythmicity in VIP-deficient SCN. To further determine how GABAA receptor signaling impacts circadian rhythms in single cells, we recorded bioluminescence Selleck AZD5363 using a cooled-CCD camera from SCN explants. We found that over 7 days of baseline treatment, Vip−/− cells exhibited low amplitude PER2::LUC oscillations (RAE = 0.116 ± 0.001; Figures 4C and 4D) and progressively desynchronized ( Figure 4E). Upon medium change and addition of gabazine (100 μM), single cell PER2 expression ( Figure S6) and rhythmicity dramatically increased (RAE = 0.004 ± 0.000, p < 0.000001 versus baseline; n = 23 cells) and failed to damp or desynchronize for the duration of the recording. Together these results indicate
that GABAA receptor-mediated signaling induces cycle-to-cycle jitter, weakly opposing the stabilizing and synchronizing effects of VIP on circadian rhythms in the SCN. Intercellular communication is necessary for proper SCN timekeeping and regulation of daily behaviors (Yamaguchi et al., 2003). By iteratively analyzing spike trains, we have produced the first maps of the functional, fast connections in the SCN network. Based on their probability to change firing within 50 ms, sensitivity to antagonists, and reproducibility across cultures and days, we posit
that at least 93% of these connections represent direct, GABAA receptor-mediated interactions between SCN neurons. Olopatadine This is consistent with numerous studies that found most, if not all, SCN neurons receive GABAergic inputs (Moore and Speh, 1993; Belenky et al., 2008). The remaining 7% of connections we detected were relatively weak and could reflect GABAergic communication incompletely blocked by the concentrations of the antagonists used or weak signaling via other pathways (e.g., glycine neurotransmission [Mordel et al., 2011] or gap junctions [Long et al., 2005]). We conclude that GABA mediates nearly all interactions capable of influencing the millisecond firing patterns among SCN neurons. Electron microscopic studies have found that individual SCN neurons receive between 300–1,200 synaptic contacts (Güldner, 1976), a relatively low number compared to many brain areas. Whole-cell recordings in acute slices report typical SCN neurons fire during the day at 5 Hz with spontaneous IPSC frequencies at 3–12 Hz (Itri et al., 2004).